
Swift 언어에서 대소 문자를 무시하고 두 문자열을 비교하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

nasanasas 2020. 9. 15. 07:55

Swift 언어에서 대소 문자를 무시하고 두 문자열을 비교하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

신속한 무시 케이스에서 두 문자열을 어떻게 비교할 수 있습니까? 예 :

var a = "Cash"
var b = "cash"

var a와 var b를 비교하면 true를 반환하는 메서드가 있습니까?

이 시도 :

이전 Swift의 경우 :

var a : String = "Cash"
var b  : String = "cash"

if(a.caseInsensitiveCompare(b) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedSame){

Swift 3.0 및 4.1

    var a : String = "Cash"
    var b  : String = "cash"

    if(a.caseInsensitiveCompare(b) == .orderedSame){

사용 caseInsensitiveCompare방법 :

let a = "Cash"
let b = "cash"
let c = a.caseInsensitiveCompare(b) == .orderedSame
print(c) // "true"

ComparisonResult 는 사전 식 순서로 다른 단어보다 먼저 오는 단어를 알려줍니다 (즉, 사전의 앞쪽에 더 가까운 단어). .orderedSame문자열이 사전의 같은 위치에 있음을 의미합니다.

if a.lowercaseString == b.lowercaseString {
    //Strings match

이 시도:

var a = "Cash"
var b = "cash"
let result: NSComparisonResult =, options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: nil, locale: nil)

// You can also ignore last two parameters(thanks 0x7fffffff)
//let result: NSComparisonResult =, options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch)

결과는 NSComparisonResult 열거 형 유형입니다.

enum NSComparisonResult : Int {

    case OrderedAscending
    case OrderedSame
    case OrderedDescending

따라서 if 문을 사용할 수 있습니다.

if result == .OrderedSame {
} else {
    println("not equal")

직접 굴릴 수 있습니다.

func equalIgnoringCase(a:String, b:String) -> Bool {
    return a.lowercaseString == b.lowercaseString

스위프트 3

올바른 방법 :

    let a: String = "Cash"
    let b: String = "cash"

    if a.caseInsensitiveCompare(b) == .orderedSame {
        //Strings match 

참고 : ComparisonResult.orderedSame은 약어로 .orderSame으로 작성할 수도 있습니다.

다른 방법들:


    if a.lowercased() == b.lowercased() {
        //Strings match 


    if a.uppercased() == b.uppercased() {
        //Strings match 


    if a.capitalized() == b.capitalized() {
        //Strings match 

You could also make all the letters uppercase (or lowercase) and see if they are the same.

var a = “Cash”
var b = “CASh”

if a.uppercaseString == b.uppercaseString{

This will make both variables as ”CASH” and thus they are equal.

You could also make a String extension

extension String{
  func equalsIgnoreCase(string:String) -> Bool{
    return self.uppercaseString == string.uppercaseString

if "Something ELSE".equalsIgnoreCase("something Else"){

Phone numbers comparison example; using swift 4.2

 var selectPhone = [String]()

    if selectPhone.index(where: {$0.caseInsensitiveCompare(contactsList[indexPath.row].phone!) == .orderedSame}) != nil {
           print("Same value")
     else {
            print("Not the same")

localizedCaseInsensitiveContains : Returns whether the receiver contains a given string by performing a case-insensitive, locale-aware search

if a.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(b) {
 //returns true if a contains b (case insensitive)


caseInsensitiveCompare : Returns the result of invoking compare(_:options:) with NSCaseInsensitiveSearch as the only option.

if a.caseInsensitiveCompare(b) == .orderedSame {
 //returns true if a equals b (case insensitive)

extension String
    func equalIgnoreCase(_ compare:String) -> Bool
        return self.uppercased() == compare.uppercased()

sample of use


Swift 4, I went the String extension route using caseInsensitiveCompare() as a template (but allowing the operand to be an optional). Here's the playground I used to put it together (new to Swift so feedback more than welcome).

import UIKit

extension String {
    func caseInsensitiveEquals<T>(_ otherString: T?) -> Bool where T : StringProtocol {
        guard let otherString = otherString else {
            return false
        return self.caseInsensitiveCompare(otherString) == ComparisonResult.orderedSame

"string 1".caseInsensitiveEquals("string 2") // false

"thingy".caseInsensitiveEquals("thingy") // true

let nilString1: String? = nil
"woohoo".caseInsensitiveEquals(nilString1) // false

You can just write your String Extension for comparison in just a few line of code

extension String {

    func compare(_ with : String)->Bool{
        return self.caseInsensitiveCompare(with) == .orderedSame

For Swift 5 Ignoring the case and compare two string

var a = "cash"
var b = "Cash"
if(a.caseInsensitiveCompare(b) == .orderedSame){

Swift 3

if a.lowercased() == b.lowercased() {


Swift 3: You can define your own operator, e.g. ~=.

infix operator ~=

func ~=(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
   return lhs.caseInsensitiveCompare(rhs) == .orderedSame

Which you then can try in a playground

let low = "hej"
let up = "Hej"

func test() {
    if low ~= up {
    } else {
        print("not same")

test() // prints 'same'

Swift 3:

You can also use the localized case insensitive comparison between two strings function and it returns Bool

var a = "cash"
var b = "Cash"

if a.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(b) {
} else {
    print("Non Identical")

참고URL :
