
How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

nasanasas 2020. 11. 16. 21:35

How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

I prefer dark backgrounds for coding, and I've downloaded a jar file containing an IntelliJ IDEA color theme that has a dark background. How do I tell IntelliJ about it?

Go to File->Import Settings... and select the jar settings file

Step 1: Do File -> Import Settings... and select the settings jar file

Step 2: Go to Settings -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts to choose the theme you just installed.

Take a look here: Third Party Add-ons

You may have to extract the jar using a zip application. Hopefully inside you'll find a collection of XML files.

IntelliJ IDEA Plugins

If you just have the xml file of the color scheme you can:

Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Color and Fonts and use the Import button.

enter image description here

Interesting I never spent too much time adjusting the colours in IntelliJ although tried once.

See link below with an already defined colour scheme you can import.

Where can I download IntelliJ IDEA 10 Color Schemes?

Download the jar file, file import the jar where you will see a what to import ;)

enter image description here

Like nearly everyone else said, go to file -> Import Settings.

But if you don't see the "Import Settings" option under the file menu, you need to disable 2 plugins : IDE Settings Sync and Settings Repository

enter image description here

Go to Settings => Plugins => Search Plugins in Marketplace

Search by material theme and download and restart it. it is a good theme.

In the market place, you can also search by theme and it will list all the themes and you can download any themes. You no need to find themes and download and import it. You can also remove the theme very easily. thanks

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